Mario Clone using SDL

Mario Clone using SDL


JumpWUp Arrow
PointSDown Arrow
Move LeftALeft Arrow
Move RightDRight Arrow
Returns to menuSpace Bar

About Mario Clone


Players take control of Mario and Luigi and collect as many coins as possible before the time runs out or either Mario or Luigi have used all three of their lives. The winner is the player that has the highest score.


The aim was to create a Mario-inspired clone using C++ and the SDL library. To complete this task a number of criteria had to be included which included screen management, collision detection and other game-related elements.

  • Animation System
  • Character Controller
  • Collision Detection
  • Multiple AI Behavours

Lessons Learned

This Mario clone was created using Visual Studio with SDL included for a graded assignment and scored 99% according to the assignment marking scheme.

The importance of documentation, in particular planning of features and the description of how features are intend to function. An understanding of SDL, how SDL uses OpenGL to produce graphical effects and an appreciation of the graphics pipeline.